My top 3 go-to breakfasts

by Jasmin

My top 3 go-to breakfasts.

I get often asked what I have for breakfast as a vegan dieter if dairy and eggs are off the table ? I understand the confusion, as I have experienced it myself during my first year on a vegan diet. I’ve been through morning smoothies, juices, P&J sandwiches to skipping breakfast all together. The more I failed at it, the more I learned: when you start the day with a wholesome plentiful nutritious protein packed breakfast, you’re less likely to get uncontrollable random cravings, less likely to get hungry quickly before the next meal, and you feel energetic throughout the day ! Here are the 3 breakfasts I start my day with:

1- Oatmeal

Classic peanut butter chocolate oatmeal with flaxseeds and blueberries.

My preferred way to enjoy oatmeal is with flaxseed, walnut, dark chocolate and peanut butter. Quick, simple and easy. It’s ready in exactly 6 minutes ! From this tiny bowl you get 10 g of proteins, your full allowance of omega-3, half you recommended intake of fibre, copper, magnesium, vitamin B1 and phosphorus, your full manganese dose, and a bit of iron, folate and other vitamin B group and minerals. The perfect way to start the day, along with a savoury elements, like half a scramble tofu burrito or tofu spread on toasted whole wheal bread. It’s up to you. Do not hesitate to add banana slices or blueberries. Recipe here.

2- Tofu scramble

Scramble tofu with grilled cheese.

Just like egg white ! Might even be better than egg white ! With a pinch of spices and olive oil or margarine, a toasted whole wheat bread: a true delight ! I am obsessed with scramble tofu, I love the taste of it, I love how it fills you up with 0 bloating, I love how easy it is to digest. Tofu is a complete proteins (it contains all 20 amino acids including the essentials ones), a perfect breakfast along with freshly squeezed orange juice or a chocolate chip muffin. Recipe here.

3- Pancake

Banana pancakes with sprouted hummus.

There is obviously various vegan pancake recipes, the banana oat pancakes is my favourite, therefore a staple breakfast in my diet. They require few ingredients and ready in 15 min, all you need is banana oat and water. Serve them with your favourite toppings, mine are maple syrup and homemade sprouted hummus. These pancakes can be made ahead and heated when needed, perfect for meal prep. Recipe here.

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May 27, 2022 9:35 pm

I tried the pancakes hummus combo I LOVE IT

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